Monday, August 17, 2009

To Encourage Others

What is life if you cannot encourage and englighten the lives of the people around you. To smile or greet or say a kind word would make someone happy when they start their day. I am so very grateful to God for all the encouragement in my life with family and friends because they do help me get along my sad days too. My son is a great encourager because he tells me he loves me everyday with a hug and kiss.
Have you ever thought of how God have impact on our lives? Because he is there beside us every minute of the day. In thoughts and prayers , keep trusting in him always and Be Happy. The Joy of the Lord is my Strength! My motto in Life is To Be Kind Today!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

My Prayer for Today and Always!

Through every minute of this day, Be With Me Lord!
Through every day of this week, Be With Me Lord!
Through every week of this year, Be With Me Lord!
So shall the days and weeks and years be threaded on a golden cord,
And all draw on with sweet accord into thy fullness, Lord that so,
When time is past, By Grace I may Last, Be with thee Lord.

Thank You Jesus for holding our lives and hands. In Jesus Name We Pray Amen.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Happy Mother's Day to all Mum's

It has been a while since i have written on my blog, have been busy, but i discovered the importance of a Facial be it for a lady or man. Looking after our face is importance and a nice way to pamper ourselves. There are abundance of different kinds of products in the market and we have to test them to see the suitability for our face.

Facial Tips and Tricks:

* Choosing a facial mask requires one to pay keen attention to the skin type and purchase a facial mask in accordance with the skin’s needs. These few minutes dedicated to finding the right kind of facial mask is what will spell the difference for the freshened and revitalized look to your face.

* The other great benefit of commercially available facial masks is that they require minimum effort on your part as all the beautification, detoxification and exfoliation work is done by the active ingredients of the facial masks.

* A facial mask is a unique and instantaneous way to complement the daily skin care routine and adds to the breathing power granted to the pores of the skin when combined with the beauty regime of cleansing, toning and moisturizing.

* Whether your facial is the mask variety or cream-and-wash kind, take care that it must not be done too frequently as this can endanger the ph balance of your skin. Applying a facial mask should be restricted to a weekly procedure and correspond to your skin type to ensure the most positive beautifying effect to your face.

* If you have a dry skin, look for facials that will replenish the moisture needed by your facial skin and go in for products that offer coco or shea butter, lanolin, Vaseline, natural or scented fruit or nut-extract oils for extra nourishment. Fruit extracts like strawberry, peach, apricot and banana with milk components are believed to rejuvenate and hydrate dry skin.

* Choose a facial that will soften the upper derma layers and improve its color, clean and contract, intensify circulation of blood so you get that healthy, youthful glow on your face.

* Always thoroughly cleanse your skin to receive the maximum benefit of a home facial and include the neck area for massaging and treating during a facial too!

Since Mum's Day is coming on May 10th, why dont we treat ourselves and our mother's to a nice facial. Wishing all Mum's a Blessed Mother's Day! Go ahead and Pamper Yourselves, it is your day! We love our children and they love us too , to give us a day of Relaxation ourselves!

Happy Mother's Day! Thank you Mum for everything!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Reduce, Recyle, Reuse and Save

We are now thinking of ways to save the Earth and Go Green! Lets do our part to conserve the Earth for future generations!

Here are some ways we can help to Save The Earth and the Environment:-

1. Use old T-Shirts or towels as kitchen rags.
2. Avoid unneccessary car trips, walk if you can to the nearest shop or take public
transport, go to supermarkets with free parking facilities.
3. Unplug mobile phones when not in use or when fully charged.
4. Reuse scrap paper and turn them to note pads.
5. Pay all your bills online and subscribe to e-statements.
6. Turn off lights, computers and switches when not in use.
7. Turn off water when brushing your teeth or shaving.
8. When packing food and drinks, use your own containers.
9. Save rainwater for plants, washing machine water for washing and mopping the
10. Use energy saving bulbs in every room.
11. Use less air condition and use natural breeze to ventalite the rooms.
12. Consider laptops for your next purchase or computer upgrade, as they use less
energy than desktop computers.
13. Used tea leaves can be used to fertilise plants.
14. Buy rechargeable and reuseable batteries.
15. All waste papers, empty tins, empty shampoo bottles can be sold to the recycle
16. Separate your wastes, papers, tins, plastic!!!

Happy Recycling!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Blessed New Year!

A New Year, New Wishes, New Hopes, New Dreams. Wishes to all of you. May Happiness and love always surround you.
I will not pen down my new year resolutions as i am afraid i will not stick to them but will keep it in my mind. The New Year went well for us because we relaxed and chilled out at home and i had to mentally prepare Matthew for school the following day. The orientation in school went well for him. We have both been busy these Christmas season so i decided to stay put.
Even though 2009 looks bleak but we know God is on our side and with Jesus holding our hands and hearts we can definitely look forward, walk and take on the challenge of 2009.
In Life we have to strive, pray and thank God for all his blessings.
His mercies are new to us each morning.