Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Christmas Wishes

Its Christmas time again, Here's to wishing all my family members and friends A Very Blessed Christmas and Happy New Year. Hoping all of you have success in the year 2009 and wishing good things in life for all. Besides all the merriment and gathering that will be happening, do remember the less fortunate and pray for them. Christmas can be a everyday affair when we remember to be kind to someone, anyone and to smile always. Christmas is in our hearts, a time to give and receive but giving is better than receiving. We have God to thank for all the blessings that he have given to us. Its time to cherish and share the love of Christ to others.
Wishing you all lots of happiness, with love from Rose and Matthew.

Monday, December 1, 2008

How to Energise Yourself!

If you're feeling a bit flat and out of the juice you need to get up and go, take a look at how you can kick start your energy levels pretty easily.
Breathe with me

Taking a few deep breaths can work wonders when it comes to getting re-energised. When you get up, before bounding straight to the bathroom, take a moment to take a few deep breaths and be calm before the busy day ahead gets going.

You can feel tired if you feel like you're constantly rushing around; taking a little time out can help.

Liquid aid

Drink lots of water. If you're dehydrated, you're going to feel less energetic. You should drink a glass of water when you get up and whenever you feel like you need an energy boost during the day. Drink around eight glasses a day. If water bores you, put some dilute juice in it to make a little more interesting.

Check your diet

Feeling sluggish might have something to do with what you're eating. Are you getting the nutrients you need? It goes without saying that plenty of fresh fruit and veg will keep your energy levels ticking over, but for a quick fix try a power boosting snack like wholemeal toast or a banana.

Shower power

To pep yourself, leap into the shower. For that extra zing try switching between hot and cold water for a little while.

Walk this way

A little bit of exercise can go a long way. Think about walking to school work or college or into town or taking up a sport which will keep you active.

Sleep tight, sleep right

It's important to get your rest. You should try and get up at the same time each day, whether you need to get up or not. If you feel like a nap during the day, take one as long as you don't sleep all day.

Get outside

You'd be surprised how getting out into the fresh air can lift your energy levels. Walking around outside for a couple of hours can help you sleep better too, which of course will leave you full of beans the next day.

Be Happy, Be Positive and Smile Always!